When the LED display on the stage is used as the background of the performance, it is hoped that it will integrate with the performance of the actors on the stage with its gorgeous and soft picture, and bring a beautiful visual experience to the audience; when the LED display on the stage is used as the display of the program When singing lyrics or other text information, hope that the text it displays is clear and legible. The perfect realization of these effects is an important issue that the performance groups focus on.
The display surface of the LED display screen is composed of many light-emitting diodes as pixels. The number of pixels per unit area depends on the distance between two adjacent pixels. It is usually called “PX” in the industry. The value X behind P refers to two adjacent pixels. The distance between pixel centers, also called dot pitch, dot center distance or pixel pitch, pixel pitch, etc., in mm. For example, a display screen with a pixel pitch of 5 mm is called P5. A display screen with a large X value will make the image rough and “grainy” for the observer. If the X value is reduced, the image quality will be improved. Therefore, the distance “PX” between adjacent pixels on the screen is an important technical parameter to examine the quality of the LED screen.

If the value of the pixel pitch X is reduced by one time, the number of pixels in the same area will increase by 4 times, and the density of backplane components will also increase by 4 times. In this way, the corresponding production cost will increase, and the sales price of the product will increase exponentially. Therefore, how to choose an appropriate pixel pitch and reduce costs and prices without affecting or less affecting the visual quality are important issues that both users and manufacturers are paying close attention to.
In fact, the image that the observer sees is rough and “grainy”, which is caused by two factors: the pixel pitch of the display screen and the distance between the observer and the display screen. Reducing the pixel pitch or increasing the distance between the observer and the display screen can eliminate the “graininess” of the image and improve the visual quality. Since the distance between the audience in the theater and the stage is relatively fixed, it is possible to find a balance between the viewing distance of the audience and the pixel distance of the display screen that neither affects the visual quality nor blindly increases the cost. How to achieve balance must first be understood from the visual characteristics of the human eye.
Unfortunately, there is no technical standard for LED displays for stage performance. Which technical parameters should be used to select the display screen to get the ideal and satisfactory stage effect is a question that many theaters and performance groups are very concerned about.