14R 295W Beam Moving Head Light

Model No: JT-295B

Lamp: Roccer R14 295W

Channel mode:18 DMX512 Channel

Amazing dot matrix, four tact switch, 180° turning show

Color wheel: 14 colors + open, and Rainbow Effect

Gobo wheel: 14 gobos(8 fixed gobos + 5 glass gobos + open)

Effect wheel: 6 independent prisms,8 prism/T prism/6+12 prism/16 prism/T prism/8+16+24prism,Can combine 17 kinds of prism effects


Joyfirst Beam 14R 295W Moving Head

Channel table

CH1 PAN 0-255 0-540°
CH2 PAN 16bit 0-255
CH3 TILT 0-255 0-270°
CH4 TILT 16bit 0-255
CH5 XY Speed 0-255 Fast to slow
CH6 Dimmer 0-255 0-100%
CH7 Strobe 0-3 Dark
4-103 Slow strobe to fast strobe
104-107 White
108-207 Slow strobe to fast strobe(mode 2)
208-212 White
213-251 Free strobe
252-255 White
CH8 Frost 0-127
128-255 Insert frost
CH9 Color 0-4 White
5-9 White + COLOR1
10-14 COLOR1
15-19 COLOR1 + COLOR2
20-24 COLOR2
25-29 COLOR2 + COLOR3
30-34 COLOR3
35-39 COLOR3 + COLOR4
40-44 COLOR4
45-49 COLOR4 + COLOR5
50-54 COLOR5
55-59 COLOR5 + COLOR6
60-64 COLOR6
65-69 COLOR6 + COLOR7
70-74 COLOR7
75-79 COLOR7 + COLOR8
80-84 COLOR8
85-89 COLOR8 + COLOR9
90-94 COLOR9
95-99 COLOR9 + COLOR10
100-104 COLOR10
105-109 COLOR10 + COLOR11
110-114 COLOR11
115-119 COLOR11 + COLOR12
120-124 COLOR12
125-129 COLOR12 + COLOR13
130-134 COLOR13
135-139 COLOR13 + WHITE
140-144 COLOR14
145-149 COLOR14 + WHITE
150-200 Rotate forward (fast to slow)
201-255 Rotate reverse (slow to fast)
CH10 Gobo 0-4 White
5-9 GOBO1
10-14 GOBO2
15-19 GOBO3
20-24 GOBO4
25-29 GOBO5
30-34 GOBO6
35-39 GOBO7
40-44 GOBO8
45-49 GOBO9
50-54 GOBO10
55-59 GOBO11
60-64 GOBO12
65-69 GOBO13
70-128 Rotate forward (fast to slow)
129-131 Stop
132-190 Rotate reverse (slow to fast)
191-195 Shake slow to fast GOBO1
196-200 Shake slow to fast GOBO2
201-205 Shake slow to fast GOBO3
206-210 Shake slow to fast GOBO4
211-215 Shake slow to fast GOBO5
216-220 Shake slow to fast GOBO6
221-225 Shake slow to fast GOBO7
226-230 Shake slow to fast GOBO8
231-235 Shake slow to fast GOBO9
236-240 Shake slow to fast GOBO10
241-245 Shake slow to fast GOBO11
246-250 Shake slow to fast GOBO12
251-255 Shake slow to fast GOBO13
CH11 7 Colorful 0-127 None
128-255 Insert 7 colorful
CH12 Prism1 0-127 None
128-255 Prism1
CH13 Prism1 Rot 0-127 0-400 degrees
128-187 Rotate forward (fast to slow)
188-195 Stop
196-255 Rotate reverse (slow to fast)
CH14 Prism2 0-127 None
128-255 Prism2
CH15 Prism2 Rot 0-127 0-400 degrees
128-187 Rotate forward (fast to slow)
188-195 Stop
196-255 Rotate reverse (slow to fast)
CH16 Focus 0-255 From far to near
CH17 Lamp 100-105 Close lamp over 3 seconds
200-205 Open lamp over 3 seconds
CH18 Reset 210-215 Reset over 3 seconds
220-235 Close lamp over 3 seconds
240-255 Open lamp over 3 seconds


myDMX Go/myDMX 2.0: JOYFIRST SUPER BEAM 295W (Other versions have not been tested)

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